Thursday, June 12, 2014

I would really LOVE to know how I could help you the "most" when making wool applique (penny rug) projects!!!

What would you like to know first???

I hope I get some reply's!!!

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Oh, by the way, I came across this photo on facebook somewhere and wanted to share it with you cuz I, personally, would get a hoot out of having my nails look like this! 
How about you?!!!

Aren't they CUUUUUTE???


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I wouldn't mind that manicure! Cute!!

  3. So this question was asked on my Facebook page and I wanted all to know that I am diligently working on the answer and will soon post!!!

    "You could share some of your secrets of how to get started. What to do first on a project and any other "hints" on what makes it easier. I sometimes use my felting needle to "hold" things in place so I can stitch them. I kind of felt it in place. It works for me. I like that you are on facebook and show us some of your projects, loved the wedding cake!"

    Thanks for the question, Mary Lou!!!

  4. I want to know where to get these nails? I so love them...

    1. I saw this on facebook DeeDee but I could never figure out where you would get them! Sorry...;(

  5. Have you ever seen Jamberry nails! They have some cute quilting patterns.

    1. MCClaudia, thanks for the tip! I'll have to check it out!

  6. Are these available for sale.

  7. Everyone wants to know where to get these stickers for your nails. Do you know??

  8. If you find I would love to know! This is my mom's art work and they don't have permission to use it! Tisk tisk! but they are so cute!! I want to get some!

    1. What do you mean, this is my mom's artwork, Shannon? I'm confused. Do you mean the nail stickers are your mom's artwork?

  9. If you find I would love to know! This is my mom's art work and they don't have permission to use it! Tisk tisk! but they are so cute!! I want to get some!
