Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Starts January 1, 2015 until January 10, 2015!!!

10% OFF ALL 100% PRE-CUTS and PARTIAL PRE-CUTS - 30% OFF ALL 100% NON PRE-CUTS and 20% OFF ALL PATTERNS on our website!!!


All kits have limited quantities. Orders will be filled on first come, first serve basis so, again, please try to get those orders in QUICK!!!

Happy New Year, Everyone!

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Hello all! Just in case you haven't noticed, I have been out of commission for a while! So many things have been going on to keep me away, from my own health issues to my sister fighting stage 4 cancer and having to go to AZ with family to be together with her. I sincerely hope you will forgive me if anything is late or you have not been able to get a hold of me and would so appreciate your patience. This was certainly not a planned event but I am gradually catching up now and, genuinely, don't mind hearing from you by email (best way) if you need anything or if I need to send you something that may have slipped by in all the confusion!

Also, my husband, landed a job that he loves as a Facilities Manager for a few towns over. This is great, in one way, because it's really nice to have that steady income that you can count on, but in another way, since he can't take take time off any where near as much, it has left us wondering how we will be able to do as many quilt shows and workshops as we enjoyed doing before. We are praying and waiting on the Lord for some answers in that respect and will keep you posted as we go.

For right now??? We are having a wonderful SECRET SALE (above) for all our fans who have joined our email list! So if you have not done so yet, PLEASE DO!!! You can join here by scrolling over and clicking on the "Annelle's Originals Website link at the top right of this page under the logo and then filling in the white box where it says: Join My List. Just be sure to let me know you did join by sending me a short note via email so I can send you the detailed SALE flyer through Constant Contact!

Thank you for being here and God Bless!!! ~Annelle

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


There is currently a GREAT SALE going on for those who have joined my email list! The SALE last until December 25th, 2014 so if you have not signed up yet, there is still time to join and get these GREAT DEALS before that date!!!

If you decide to join from my website, please send me an email and let me know you did so, so I can send you a copy of the new SALE!!!

  Don't forget, you can join my website email list from here on my blog, as well, top right of column on Annelle's Originals website link!


Monday, September 1, 2014

For those of you who can be in the Sturbridge, Massachusetts area tomorrow, I will be doing a Trunk Show and Demonstration at Charleton Sewing Center!!! A FANTASTIC Quilt Shop for those of you who have never had the privilege of visiting there yet set in a beautiful old church building which Cathy (the owner) is proud to keep with it's gorgeous original character. She says, "If it can't be used as a Church, next best thing is a Quilt Shop!!!", and she is sooo right! Here is their link and more info from an email they sent out...

Greetings From
The Charlton Sewing Center

Penny Rug Trunk Show and Hands-On-Demo!

Annelle, from Annelle's Originals
will be at
The Charlton Sewing Center
12 Stafford St, Charlton MA
on Tuesday, Sept 2nd 10-4pm

Come see the beautiful penny rugs that make up her trunk show! She will arrive at 10am and be showing her designs until 1pm, when she starts her hands-on-demo!

This is NOT to be missed!

Check out her designs on her
website by clicking HERE!

Charlton Sewing Center/ 12 Stafford St / Charlton, Massachusetts 01507 / (508) 248-6632
You may even be able to coax Cathy to play the incredible pipe organ that still remains in it's original spot!!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

My dear friend, Cheryl, started this foundation while fighting breast cancer herself. Please keep her and her wonderful foundation in prayer and consider contributing what ever you can to help a very worthy cause! Thank you! 


Cheryl's lovely family!
She is second from the left!
Please help. Please give.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Annelle's Originals's photo.

Meet our new (older! lol) member of the Annelle's Originals family...our 38' travel RV called, the "WOW" Mobile (Woolies On Wheels)!!!...

 You heard of the BAT Mobile, well, this is the WOW Mobile!!!  
Woolies On Wheels!   

 Rolling Penny Rug Classes may be coming your way soon!!!!

 The first of it's kind, ever!!!!

Stay tuned to hear more about it and get ready to sign up and have a BLAST with me!!!

Hi all!! Again, it's been way too long since I posted but soooo much going on. Just trying to keep up with kits from last 2 shows to get ready for the next! Ahhhhhh!!!! But thanks be to GOD for giving us strength and perseverance to keep it all going! What a whirlwind life can be, right?!

We have good news and, unfortunately, bad news. In the last 2/3 weeks we found out some devastating news that my sister has stage 4 cancer and will be starting double doses of chemo Wednesday. She lives in AZ so we will have to figure out how to get to see her there before she starts getting too sick to see anyone. Please, please keep her in prayer, if you don't mind. She will need the kind of strength only God can provide to endure what is coming. My mom, who is 87, will be needing prayer, as well, for strength to watch her daughter go through all this. Thankfully we serve a God who understands every twist and turn and will be with us through each moment by moment and we will continue to trust in HIM for whatever our future holds.

Our good news is that the WOW Mobile is at the RV doctor now getting a new transmission so she will be ready to do some heavy duty traveling quilt shows and future classes! We could have just replaced all of the seals and such but opted to just not take any chances with her and just replace the entire tranny so she should be good as new very soon!!!

The plan is to send out emails when we will be coming to your area to do a quilt show and you will be able to sign up for personal wooly classes right in the RV with me!!! Thus the name "Woolies On Wheels"...the "WOW" Mobile!!!

Just get 4 to 6 of your friends together with a date while we are in your area, bring a lunch and your favorite drink, order a kit you'd like to work on ahead of time from our website, register and pay ahead of time on our website for the class (we will have all those details worked out very soon!), and we will be good to go for having a WOOLY BLAST in the WOW MOBILE!!!!!!! We are sooooooooo excited! Teaching and spending time with fun ladies who love to laugh and learn....well....I can't think of nearly anything I'd rather be doing!!!!! The entire side of the RV extends out to make it HUGE!!!! You are really in for a treat!!!

Until then, I hope to see you in New Hampshire at this show...


Mancuso Show Management is a manager and producer of quilt festivals, antiques shows and other major events throughout the USA.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Just finished a quilt show in NC. The Originals Sewing and Quilting. A very long drive home but had made it safe and sound! Thanks God! Met many wonderful ladies there. Lot's of friendly faces and happy sewers! Now working our church's Vacation Bible School program this whole week helping to make sure they all get to know how good it is to have Jesus in their lives!!!

Then I will be back to work, making those tutorials, some new summer designs and getting ready for our show in Maine!!!

Thanks for your appreciated patience! I'll be back... xox

Friday, June 13, 2014


Yes, one more before I start vending a string of quilt shows again. Have to do them while I have the time, dontcha know!  lol

So, before I work on answering questions from my last post (on Facebook) with lot's of fun tutorials and such here and there...I want to give you a heads up on this:

20% OFF TOTAL ORDER SALE!!!   No need to even put a coupon code in!  YAY!   All you need to do is pick out what you want and the website will do the rest!  

It ONLY lasts for TWO DAYS!!! Tomorrow, Saturday-June 14th and Sunday-June 15th until Midnight!

You can start those holiday presents early!

ENJOY, with love, from...

Thursday, June 12, 2014

I would really LOVE to know how I could help you the "most" when making wool applique (penny rug) projects!!!

What would you like to know first???

I hope I get some reply's!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Oh, by the way, I came across this photo on facebook somewhere and wanted to share it with you cuz I, personally, would get a hoot out of having my nails look like this! 
How about you?!!!

Aren't they CUUUUUTE???

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Well, really hoping the new background color on this blog is easier on the eyes when reading text.  Jake and I are still working out the quirks and we love, love, love feedback so, by all means, have at it!!!

Today I thought I would share another idea for a wedding gift that I made for another cousin's son last year.  Much bigger but along the same lines and, also, with their particular color scheme...

Now for some close-ups...

If you have a wedding coming up, you can always write to me and together we can customize a kit for you to make in your bride's particular color scheme and size in which you would like your handmade gift to them.

If you are pressed for time and I happen to have the time, perhaps I can even stitch one up for you myself!!!  No promises, of course, but you never know when you'll catch me at a down time or I just need a break from the biz hussle bussle! lol

I love to sew as much as I love to design!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Annelle's Penny Rug Place...: A Pre-4th of July Sale!

Annelle's Penny Rug Place...: A Pre-4th of July Sale!: Happy Early 4th of July Celebration!!!   Below, is a coupon on code to get FREE SHIPPING no matter how much you purchase on my website ...

A Pre-4th of July Sale!

Happy Early 4th of July Celebration!!!
Below, is a coupon on code to get FREE SHIPPING no matter how much you purchase on my website for TWO DAYS...tomorrow, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY!!!  
June 10th and 11th, 2014.
What I am, kindly, asking in return is to fill in the "Join this site" box over on the right hand column here so I can see you there as a cute little box just like the others!  This helps both of us out.  You get the Free Shipping and I get to have a visual of joiners!!! 
The Coupon Code is:  PATRIOTIC

Check out the PATRIOTIC page and make something fun in time for the 4th of July!!!  Enjoy and thanks, as always, for your patronage!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

A Wedding Gift...

Wanted to share with you the wedding gift I made for my cousins son last weekend and, of course, a photo of the lovely couple!!!

This was started by knowing that his wife-to-be was very much into a being a princess ever since she was a little girl.  THAT was a real GIFT for great inspiration! LOL!  

So, the first thing I came across were these adorable buttons to use... 

Was that a lucky find, or what???!!!

Okay, so next, I had to make a little wedding cake for them with their theme color which was pink!
So, the size had to be appropriate for the buttons but also I thought it might be nice if I made it a pocket, too, to hold the very sweet wedding invitation they sent us all, which I will show you later.
For now, here is the beginning stage of our gift...

Since the wedding invitation was pink and had a pretty little crystal rhinestone on it, I decided to use some rhinestones in the design and since there was pink in the cake, I had to come up with another color for the background that wouldn't   take away from the pink, yet still went with the theme.  This purple seemed to work.  Then I pulled the thread colors from it all.

So now...drum roll please...the finished project!!!...

                    ...and here is the wedding invitation to fit inside the pocket..

Below are just some of the details of the embroidered writing I wanted to include for memory sake with the date, of course...

...and just like a quilt, I was taught YOU MUST ALWAYS sign your work!!!...

...and now here is the adorable couple themselves...
 Princess Rebecca and Prince Mark
...we wish you both the very BEST that God has to offer!!!!...

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Hi Fellow Penny Rugger's!!!  This is my first attempt at writing on a blog so please, please bear with me as I slowly get used to it! lol I'm looking forward to sharing so much with you that I don't even know where to start but there is no time like the present, especially when your son is home from college to help! ;)

We are still in the figuring-out-the-design stage, obviously, so hopefully it will get nicer and more informative as we go.

For now, thank you for joining me on this learning curve.  I hope I can eventually make it very special for you!!!