Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Starts January 1, 2015 until January 10, 2015!!!

10% OFF ALL 100% PRE-CUTS and PARTIAL PRE-CUTS - 30% OFF ALL 100% NON PRE-CUTS and 20% OFF ALL PATTERNS on our website!!!


All kits have limited quantities. Orders will be filled on first come, first serve basis so, again, please try to get those orders in QUICK!!!

Happy New Year, Everyone!

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Hello all! Just in case you haven't noticed, I have been out of commission for a while! So many things have been going on to keep me away, from my own health issues to my sister fighting stage 4 cancer and having to go to AZ with family to be together with her. I sincerely hope you will forgive me if anything is late or you have not been able to get a hold of me and would so appreciate your patience. This was certainly not a planned event but I am gradually catching up now and, genuinely, don't mind hearing from you by email (best way) if you need anything or if I need to send you something that may have slipped by in all the confusion!

Also, my husband, landed a job that he loves as a Facilities Manager for a few towns over. This is great, in one way, because it's really nice to have that steady income that you can count on, but in another way, since he can't take take time off any where near as much, it has left us wondering how we will be able to do as many quilt shows and workshops as we enjoyed doing before. We are praying and waiting on the Lord for some answers in that respect and will keep you posted as we go.

For right now??? We are having a wonderful SECRET SALE (above) for all our fans who have joined our email list! So if you have not done so yet, PLEASE DO!!! You can join here by scrolling over and clicking on the "Annelle's Originals Website link at the top right of this page under the logo and then filling in the white box where it says: Join My List. Just be sure to let me know you did join by sending me a short note via email so I can send you the detailed SALE flyer through Constant Contact!

Thank you for being here and God Bless!!! ~Annelle

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


There is currently a GREAT SALE going on for those who have joined my email list! The SALE last until December 25th, 2014 so if you have not signed up yet, there is still time to join and get these GREAT DEALS before that date!!!

If you decide to join from my website, please send me an email and let me know you did so, so I can send you a copy of the new SALE!!!

  Don't forget, you can join my website email list from here on my blog, as well, top right of column on Annelle's Originals website link!